FODE to announce top five performing provincial centres

 FLEXIBLE Open and Distance Education (Fode) will announce the top-five performing provincial centres in the country starting this year.

Fode principal Anthony Rayappan said this would encourage and motivate many students to work hard to improve their grades, enabling competition among the centres.

Rayappan said this during the 2023 Fode national marking conference in Port Moresby.

He said that this year’s marker numbers had increased due to students’ enrolments.

Pictures: Badili Vocational School grade 10 students, and PC NCD and Central grade 10s and eight students during the final day of examination [Photo by FODE PNG]

“When I took office, the enrolment was around 15,000 and now it has gone up,” he said.

“With the increase in the students’ enrolments, I urge all teachers to apply for position vacancies in the provincial centres.

“The registrar staff will be working overtime to enter the data and will see the results straight after the marking.”

Rayappan encouraged each provincial centre coordinator to introduce graduation every year so that students could take pride and feel that they were not failures but as students in a school just like every other student.

First Assistance Secretary for Fode and Inclusive Education Andrew Angobe said Fode was a division of its own and had been in existence for 10 months under his leadership.

Angobe said Fode had done well in terms of roll out programmes and infrastructure developments in some centres in the country.

He said by 2025, all secondary schools should have the Fode programme running.

“Fode is no longer a school of dropouts but is another education institution, we see it as another pathway for students to continue their education,” he said.

The marking started on Monday and would end on Nov 17 with around 300 participants from 22 Fode centres in the country and the secondary schools in Central and the National Capital District.


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