PNG Maritime Women Cadets Making Waves : Thanks to Australian Awards Scholarships

This week, PNG’s second and third cohort of Australia Awards women maritime cadets graduated as officers with internationally recognized qualifications. 

The cadets, supported through a public-private partnership between the Australian Government and Steamships Trading, completed their studies at the PNG Maritime College in Madang and sea time experience on diverse vessels, with maritime partners Steamships, Pacific Towing, Consort Shipping and China Navigation. 

The Australian High Commission’s Minister Counsellor, Penny Morton, joined the maritime partners and representatives from PNG’s National Maritime Safety Authority to congratulate the cadets on their achievements.

“Your achievement demonstrates that investment in education can increase Papua New Guinean women’s training, visibility, and participation in what is a highly male dominated sector. I’m confident that you will forge a successful maritime career and make positive waves of change in the sector,” Ms Morton said.

To date, 32 women have been supported through Australia Awards Scholarships to pursue maritime careers. 

Check out  to win Australian Awards Maritime Scholarships 

Source : Australian High Commission PNG 

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