Against All Odds: The Inspiring Rise of Eunice Wangu in Law

 Eunice Wangu, a 26-year-old from Nuku in West Sepik, has always been captivated by the power of words and the intricacies of justice. As a child, she would often find herself lost in the pages of novels by John Grisham and Jodi Picoult, where complex societal issues were laid bare and the gray areas of morality were explored. This early exposure to thought-provoking literature ignited a spark in her—one that would guide her through years of rigorous academic and personal challenges.

Against All Odds: The Inspiring Rise of Eunice Wangu in Law [Photo courtesy of theNational]

Eunice’s journey into the world of law began in the comforting sanctuary of her late maternal grandfather Anonga Pingina's study. Surrounded by shelves brimming with books, she developed a profound love for reading. Her grandfather, a man of wisdom and gentle encouragement, would often remind her, “When pursuing your studies, take them seriously and do your best.” These words became a mantra that Eunice carried with her throughout her educational journey.

After completing Grade 12 at St. Ignatius Secondary in Aitape, West Sepik, in 2018, Eunice was accepted into the prestigious University of Papua New Guinea’s School of Law. Her time there was marked by both formidable challenges and significant growth. Law school demanded a level of dedication and discipline that Eunice was determined to master. She quickly learned to prioritize her time effectively, balancing her studies with her responsibilities as a leader and a paralegal.

In her final year, Eunice served as the female vice president of the 2022 UPNG Student Representative Council while working as a paralegal at a private law firm. This period was particularly intense, but it was also a testament to her ability to manage multiple high-pressure roles simultaneously. Her leadership skills flourished, and she developed a resilience that would see her through even more trying times ahead.

The pinnacle of Eunice’s academic journey came when she enrolled at the Legal Training Institute (LTI). The six-month program was a whirlwind of 26 subjects, each demanding rigorous study and unwavering commitment. Adding to the challenge, Eunice was pregnant during this period. The dual responsibilities of impending motherhood and academic excellence required an extraordinary level of focus and perseverance.

Undeterred by the challenges, Eunice excelled. She scored the highest marks in five of the 26 subjects and was awarded the prestigious Supreme Court Dux. Her achievements at LTI were celebrated at the admissions ball on April 13, where she also received five other award certificates. On April 12, she was among 127 trainee lawyers admitted to the National and Supreme Courts, marking a significant milestone in her legal career.

Reflecting on her journey, Eunice is deeply grateful. “I’m very thankful to God and acknowledge Him for bringing me this far,” she says. Her faith, coupled with an unwavering determination and the foundational support of her family, has been her guiding light.

Eunice Wangu's story is one of inspiration and resilience. From a young girl enchanted by books in her grandfather’s study to a distinguished law graduate and Supreme Court Dux, she has shown that with passion, dedication, and support, even the most formidable challenges can be overcome. As she embarks on her career in commercial law, Eunice stands as a beacon of hope and a role model for aspiring lawyers everywhere, demonstrating that dreams are attainable with hard work and faith.

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