Lae Secondary School Robotics Team returns

 The Lae Secondary School robotics team who took part in the Global Robotics competition in Singapore from the 07th-10th of October have arrived back in Lae.

The team arrived to a rousing welcome at Lae Secondary School by students, parents, and others who were at Lae Secondary School to receive them.

Though they did not make it into the finals, they were ranked 43 among 191 counties who took part in the Global Robotics Competition performing better than developed countries like New Zealand which is a big achievement. 

Lae Secondary School Robotics Team returns

Lae Secondary School Principal, Christopher Raymond who accompanied the team to Singapore and back says this is their fourth visit to the competition and this year's performance is better than the other years they took part in. 

Raymond says this is a good exposure for his students and something good can come out from there and from the country.

He thanked everyone who supported them and the students to attend the competition especially the parents. 

Lae Secondary School Robotics Team spokesperson, Jonathan Binga says they need sponsors so in the future, the upcoming students can have better chances of taking this competition to another level.

Binga says other countries are developed but what they did was for the love of their country and they did their best. 

The Global Challenge is an olympics-style, international robotics competition that takes place in a different country each year. 

Teams from more than 190 nations build and program robots to compete, working together to complete tasks in a game themed around one of our world’s greatest challenges. 

Lae Secondary School has been representing Papua New Guinea in this competition four times including this year.

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