Master of Science by Research Waste-To-Energy Scholarship

 The Pacific Waste-to-Energy Solutions (PAWES) Project is committed to supporting enhanced solid waste management and energy security in the Blue Pacific region. The PAWES project’s overall objective is to enhance solid waste management and energy security in the Pacific region and to support national and subnational government entities to make informed decisions on developing a sustainable Waste-to-Energy (WtE) sector.

The Project objectives for this Project are; firstly, that “national and subnational Government entities are able to make informed decisions on developing a sustainable waste-to-energy sector”. Secondly, “Tertiary education institutions provide updated training and are able to perform state-of-the-art research on solid waste management, renewable energy technologies and waste to energy”.

The Pacific Adoption of Waste-to-Energy Project is funded by the European Union with the support of the Secretariat of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States. It is being implemented by The Pacific Community (SPC) in close partnership with the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environmental Programme, the University of Papua New Guinea, the University of the South Pacific, national governments, NGO’s and the private sector.

The target beneficiary countries for this project are Marshall Islands, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands and Tuvalu.

A key activity/deliverable of this project is to develop specialised regional expertise by supporting Masters and Honours students by offering scholarships in applied research projects.

he University of Papua New Guinea’s, School of Natural and Physical Sciences, Centre of Renewable, are pleased to announce a call for applications for the Waste-to-Energy Scholarship to pursue a Master of Science by Research in Waste-to-Energy.

As part of this waste-to-energy Scholarship, the successful candidate will co-develop a waste-to-energy research demonstration project based on initiatives identified in the Papua New Guinea national waste-to-energy baseline and feasibility assessments. Each student will work closely

with their supervisor to co-design, develop, and implement the demonstration pilot project. A thorough analysis of the research demonstration pilot project will be carried out to determine the applicability for incorporation into future feasibility studies and scalability. The successful candidate will also be provided continuous mentoring from the Pacific Community and the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environmental Programme along with other relevant private sector entities and a dedicated supervisor.

The Project’s aim is to:

“co-develop and facilitate research demonstration projects with tertiary education providers to build and strengthen specific waste-to-energy skills in the Pacific and to grow the overall Pacific innovation ecosystem”

The two-year scholarship covers:

  • Full tuition and research fees
  • Campus accommodation of approximate value Kina 26,000 for two years.
  • Weekly living allowance of Kina 400 per week.
  • Return airfares from home to Port Moresby if needed
  • Research Grant: To support the design and implementation of the research demonstration pilot project a generous budget is available of up to EUR 43,000.

Eligibility Criteria

This scholarship is for full-time study only and the successful candidate is not permitted to be

in paid employment during the tenure of their awards and will be required to work a minimum

of 40 hours per week for the entire time on their research.

  • Papua New Guinea citizen.
  • Overall GPA of 3 and above (combined 3rd and 4th year grades). For candidates with exceptional work experience, a minimum of GPA 2.5 may be considered.
  • Science or engineering graduate.

Women are strongly encouraged to apply.

How to apply?

Please send your applications to and copy with the subject “Waste-to-Energy Scholarship”

All applications must include:

1. Transcripts – no less than a GPA of 3 unless you have exceptional work experience then a GPA of 2.5 may be considered.

2. Three references – these can be character references and work-related.

3. Cover letter – Let us know about your passion and drive for waste-to-energy solutions and a brief description of your work history.

Application Deadline : 

Monday 13th November

Also check out

Study Online - PNG University of Technology

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