Papua New Guinea Tourism Authority Honors Academic Excellence at Divine Word University Graduation

 Madang, Papua New Guinea - In a momentous occasion at Divine Word University's graduation ceremony on Friday, March 8th, the Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority (TPA) bestowed upon Ms. Marissa Siwa the esteemed Award for Academic Excellence.

Ms. Siwa, a graduate in Tourism and Hospitality, emerged as the top performer among her peers, clinching the highest cumulative GPA and earning the coveted recognition from TPA.

Papua New Guinea Tourism Authority Honors Academic Excellence at Divine Word University Graduation [Photo by PNGTA]

The TPA Award stands as a symbol of distinction, reserved for outstanding students within the Tourism and Hospitality Department who demonstrate exceptional academic prowess. Marissa's remarkable achievements were celebrated with a commemorative plaque, a mobile phone, and a cash prize of K2,000.

In a heartfelt moment during the graduation ceremony, Ms. Ingrid Kuman, Acting Chief Executive Officer at TPA, had the honor of presenting the award to Marissa Siwa. She lauded Marissa's unwavering dedication and tireless efforts, citing her exemplary academic performance as a testament to her commitment and perseverance.

"The prize bestowed upon the student reflects their relentless dedication and academic excellence within the THM program, serving as a testament to their determination to reach their educational goals," remarked Ms. Kuman.

Marissa Siwa's exceptional journey serves as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring students in the realm of tourism and hospitality. Her resolute pursuit of academic excellence underscores the pivotal role of dedication and commitment in shaping the future leaders of Papua New Guinea's burgeoning tourism sector.

The recognition bestowed upon Marissa Siwa by the Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority reaffirms the organization's commitment to nurturing talent and fostering academic excellence within the country's educational landscape.

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