UK Chevening Scholarships for Papua New Guineans now open

 Applications are now open for Papua New Guineans to apply for the prestigious United Kingdom government’s Chevening Scholarships.

The British High Commission in Port Moresby said last month that Papua New Guineans could apply to study masters’ programmes at various UK universities.

The Chevening Scholarship includes university tuition fees, a monthly stipend, travel costs to and from the UK, an arrival allowance, a homeward departure allowance, the cost of one visa application and a travel grant to attend Chevening events in the UK.

According to the Chevening website, to be eligible, you must:

  •  BE a citizen of a Chevening-eligible country or territory (PNG is eligible);
  •  RETURN to your country of citizenship for a minimum of two years after your award has ended;

HAVE completed all components of an undergraduate degree that will enable you to gain entry into a postgraduate programme at a UK university by the time you submit your application. This is typically equivalent to an upper second-class 2:1 honours degree in the UK but may be different depending on your course and university choice;

 HAVE at least two years (equivalent to 2,800 hours) of work experience; and,

 APPLY to three different eligible UK university courses and have received an unconditional offer from one of these choices by the deadline listed on the application timeline.

The types of work experience that are eligible for Chevening includes:

  • PART-TIME employment;
  •  VOLUNTARY work; and,
  • PAID or unpaid internships.
  • Applications opened on Sept 12 and will close on Nov 7.
  • Applicants can only apply online on the Chevening website.

Eight Papua New Guineans were awarded a Chevening Scholarship in this year’s 2023/2024 cohort.

They were John Paul Mesulam Matlam, Kellyanne Marie-Lisa Limbiye, Albert Gigmai, Timothy Nick Ngembil, Wilma Mavea, Ian Abraham Laki, Hansley Missach Guambaketi, and James Junior Valaki.

The British High Commission hosted a farewell reception on Aug 18.

In his send-off remarks, High Commissioner Keith Scott, said: “Chevening may be the UK government’s programme, but it is a Papua New Guinean success story.

“It is about using the quality of UK universities and the networks you will create with fellow scholars from around the world to help you make the most of your own qualities, skills and passion and so contribute to positive change when you return.”


Follow this link for scholarships details : >>    Chevening Scholarships for PNG 

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